How to Scan a QR Code on Alight Motion: Step-by-Step Guide

QR codes have become increasingly popular for sharing content and information. Alight Motion, a versatile video editing app, also allows you to scan QR codes for various purposes.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to scan a QR code using Alight Motion.

Step 1: Install Alight Motion

Before you can start scanning QR codes with Alight Motion, make sure you have the app installed on your device.

You can download it from the Google Play Store for Android devices or the Apple App Store for iOS devices.

Step 2: Launch Alight Motion

Open the Alight Motion app by tapping on its icon from your device’s home screen.

Step 3: Create or Open a Project (Optional)

You can either create a new project or open an existing one. Scanning a QR code doesn’t require a specific project to be open, but it’s essential to have the app running.

Step 4: Access the QR Code Scanner

To access the QR code scanner, tap on the “+” icon located at the bottom of the screen. This will open a menu with various options.

How to Scan a QR Code on Alight Motion

Step 5: Select “Scan QR Code”

From the menu options, select “Scan QR Code.” Alight Motion will request permission to access your device’s camera. Grant the necessary permissions for the scanner to work.

Step 6: Position the QR Code

With the camera activated, position your device so that the QR code you want to scan is within the viewfinder. Ensure that the QR code is well-lit and visible.

How to Scan a QR Code on Alight Motion

Step 7: Scan the QR Code

Once the Alight Motion QR code is properly aligned with the viewfinder, Alight Motion will automatically scan it. You’ll receive a notification or prompt with information related to the QR code.

Step 8: Follow the Prompt

Depending on the QR code’s content, you may be directed to a specific action within Alight Motion. This could include importing presets, templates, or other creative assets associated with the code. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Step 9: Finish the Task

After following the instructions associated with the scanned QR code, you can finish the task and continue using Alight Motion for your video editing needs.

Scan a QR Code on Alight Motion


Scanning QR codes with Alight Motion is a convenient way to access and import various creative assets and resources into your video projects. By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily utilize this feature to enhance your video editing experience.

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